by Akash

10 Interesting Facts about Mississippi Kite

It's around 16 inches long with a 40-inch wingspan.

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Its color is brown on top and white underneath, and it has a forked tail.

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These kites make a high-pitched "ki-ki-ki" sound.

Image Credit: Unsplash

They hunt insects, small birds, and mammals while flying.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Mississippi kites build their nests in trees, often near water.

Image Credit: Unsplash

During winter, they fly south to Mexico and Central America.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Sadly, they're a threatened species due to habitat loss and power line collisions.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Conservation efforts involve habitat restoration and power line markers.

Image Credit: Unsplash

People are working hard to protect Mississippi kites.

Image Credit: Unsplash

10 Animals That Hunt at Night