by Akash

10 Animals That Don't Drink Water

Kangaroo Rat: Lives in deserts, gets water from food and produces concentrated urine.

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Fennec Fox: Found in deserts, gets water from food like insects and plants.

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Desert Tortoise: Stores water in its bladder, survives on diet and surroundings.

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Camel: Known for surviving in deserts, can go without water for a while.

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Thorny Devil: Collects dew on skin, absorbs moisture.

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Pika: Lives in rocky areas, gets moisture from plants it eats.

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Spadefoot Toad: Buries itself, waits for rain for water.

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Green Tree Ant: Gets hydration from nectar, air moisture.

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Gila Monster: Stores water from food, lives in arid places.

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Sandgrouse: Carries water in feathers for chicks.

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