Created by Akash
German Shepherd: German Shepherd is an intelligent, loyal and protective dog breed from Germany.
Border Collie: Border Collie is a very intelligent, powerful energy, also very good agility dog breed.
Labrador Retriever: Labrador Retriever dog breeds are very friendly, outgoing and have a good personality. These breeds of dog are great with children and good family pets.
Belgian Malinois: Belgian Malinois is a very energetic, highly trainable and protection dog breed.
Australian Shepherd: An energetic and friendly dog breed from Australia is Australian Shepherd. They are also known for their playful nature.
Golden Retriever: A very friendly dog breed is Golden Retrievers. These breeds of dog are also great with children.
Bloodhound: Bloodhound known for their exceptional sense of smell. Bloodhounds are highly used for search and rescue.
Jack Russell Terrier: Another search and rescue, energetic, bold dog breed is Jack Russell Terrier.
Newfoundland: Newfoundland is a large, strong, gentle, and excellent water-rescue abilities dog breed.
Standard Schnauzer: Very good active, intelligent, strong and good sense of smell dog breed. They are highly used for search and rescue.