by Akash

10 Most Ugliest Animals in US (2023)

Date: 3 January 2024

Star-nosed mole: Burrows with a unique star-shaped nose for sensing and grabbing prey.

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Proboscis monkey: Found in Borneo, known for a large, bulbous nose, more prominent in males.

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Hagfish: Primitive eel-like fish with no jaws, eyes, or scales; produces slimy slime.

Image Credit: Google

Anglerfish: Deep-sea fish with a bioluminescent lure, female much larger, sometimes swallows the male.

image: google

Naked mole rat: Hairless rodents living underground, resistant to pain, cancer, and aging.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Blobfish: Deep-sea fish with a gelatinous body, known for its grumpy expression.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Turtle-headed sea turtle: Critically endangered, named for its large, bony head.

Image Credit: Unsplash

California condor: Large vulture with a 9-foot wingspan and a bald head; plays a vital role in cleaning the environment.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Goblin shark: Deep-sea shark with retractable jaws and a pink, fleshy snout.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Axolotl: Salamander with limb and brain regeneration abilities, retains larval features into adulthood.

Image Credit: Unsplash