by Akash

8 Biggest Snakes in Iowa Will Amaze You

Western Rat Snake - a giant constrictor is known for its climbing ability and rodent diet.

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Eastern Hognose Snake - stout-bodied snake with an upturned nose, known for playing dead.

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Bullsnake - impressive constrictor with yellow-brown coloration, often mistaken for rattlesnakes.

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Swipe Up to see  Biggest Snakes in FLORIDA

Timber Rattlesnake - venomous pit viper found in wooded areas, known for its rattling tail.

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Blue Racer - swift, non-venomous snake known for its bluish-gray color and aggressive behavior.

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Plains Garter Snake - common snake with longitudinal stripes, found in grasslands and wet areas.

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Northern Water Snake - semi-aquatic snake often encountered near bodies of water, not venomous.

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Swipe Up to see Biggest Snakes in Alabama