by Akash

8 Animals Battling the Coldest Conditions on Earth

Date: 20 May 2024

Arctic Fox: Found in the Arctic tundra, it struggles with food scarcity during winter despite its thick fur.

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Emperor Penguin: Lives in Antarctica, enduring extreme cold and fasting while incubating eggs during harsh winters.

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Caribou/Reindeer: Inhabits Arctic and subarctic regions, facing deep snow and long migrations to find food.

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Snowy Owl: Native to Arctic regions, it deals with harsh weather and fluctuating prey availability.

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Arctic Hare: Found in North America's tundra, it struggles with extreme cold, predation, and finding food under snow.

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Musk Ox: Lives in the Arctic tundra, facing deep snow, grazing difficulties, severe winters, and wolf predation.

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Polar Bear: Native to the Arctic Circle, it faces threats from melting sea ice, reducing its hunting grounds.

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Walrus: Inhabits Arctic seas, struggling with sea ice loss, which affects their resting and breeding habitats.

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