8 Rare Types of Bear

Created by Akash

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8. Sun Bear: Bears of this species have cream-like spots. So they are also called honey bears.

7. Sealant Bear: Like other slow moving animals they also move very slowly.

6. Panda Bear: The Panda is the most popular of all the bear species found in central China.

5. Spectacled bear: Another name of this spectacle bear is Indian bear. It spends most of its time as they are the only bear species found in South America.

4. Polar Bears: Polar bears are only found in large northern countries.

3. North American Black Bear: The North American Black Bear is found in northern Canada and central Mexico. They even eat cactus. 

2. Brown Bear: Another name for brown bear is grizzly bear which is found in North America and Europe.

No 1: Asiatic Black Bear: Another name for Asiatic Blackbear is Moon Bear.

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