Animal Sound Name

Created by Akash

image source: unsplash

Donkey & crocodile  sound name

Donkey sound name is - Bray Crocodile Sound name is - Hiss, Growl, and Grunt

Lion sound name? 

Lion Sound name is - Roar, growl

Cow sound name is - Moo

Cow sound name?

Cat sound name? Cat sound name is - Mew, purr, meow

Dog Sound Name? 

Dog sound name is - Bark 

Bat and Ape sound name? 

Bat sound name is - Screech Ape sound name is - Gibber

Bears sound name is - Growl 

Bear sound name?

Bird Sound Name? 

Bird sound name is - Chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle

Crow & Camel sound name? Crow sound name is - Caw Camel sound name is - Grunt Elephant sound name is - Trumpet, roar

Deer and Duck  sound name? 

Deer sound name is - Bellow, bleat Duck sound name is - Quack

60+ animals complete suond list given below