by Akash

Discover 10 Biggest Snakes in Kansas

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake - sizeable venomous snake with diamond-shaped markings found in grasslands.

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Western Cottonmouth - hefty pit viper is known for its dark coloration and venomous bite.

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Great Plains Rat Snake - large constrictor commonly found in prairies and farmlands.

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Black Rat Snake - impressive-sized constrictor known for its adaptability and rodent diet.

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Prairie Kingsnake - sizable non-venomous snake with a blotched pattern, often found in grasslands.

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Western Hognose Snake - stout-bodied snake with a distinctive upturned snout and bluffing behavior.

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Speckled Racer - fast and slender snake species known for its speckled appearance.

Image: A-Z-Animals

Bullsnake - robust constrictor often mistaken for rattlesnakes, found in grassy habitats.

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Plains Garter Snake - common snake with stripes, found in a variety of habitats including grasslands.

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Common Water Snake - giant semi-aquatic snake commonly found near bodies of water, non-venomous.

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