by Akash

Discover ARGENTINA National Animal

Date: 25 August 2023

The rufous hornero is the national bird of Argentina.

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The rufous hornero is a medium-sized bird with reddish-brown feathers and a square tail. 

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It lives in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and Paraguay. 

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This bird makes its home in holes, using mud and straw to build nests that look like ovens. 

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They keep using the same nest for many years.

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The rufous hornero is a loyal bird. Couples stay together forever. 

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The mommy bird lays 3 to 5 eggs, and after about 15 days, the eggs hatch. 

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The babies leave the nest around 20 days later.

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Eating insects and spiders, the rufous hornero helps keep the bug population in check. 

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In Argentina, it's known as a lucky bird. 

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People put its picture in art and decorations. 

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This bird is important for the environment because it helps balance nature by eating insects.

Image Credit: Unsplash

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