Discovered 53 Sea Animals Communication We Thought They're Silent

Created by Akash

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Scientists have discovered 53 Sea Animals actually communicate but previously we thought they are silent.

One Scientist Gabriel Jorgewich-Cohen said that those creatures were sending messages to each other but we humans had never thought that positively.

He used microphones to see how these species, turtles are actually communicating with each other.

Scientists suggest that they used sound to communicate and used their noses for breathing.

The 53 Sea Animals are One Tuatara, 1 lungfish, 1 caecilian, and 50 Species of Turtles.

Previously we knew that these species of animals were mute animals but Mr Jorgewich-Cohen proved that wrong and said They use sound for communication because their sounds are very hard to detect.

Tuataras make noise to stop animals breaching their territory.

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