by Akash

9 Small Birds with Big Wings

Swallow: Small birds with long, pointed wings for fast flight and catching insects.

Hummingbird: Small, colorful birds with long wings for hovering in place while drinking nectar.

Swift: Small, highly maneuverable birds with long, narrow wings for flying at high speeds and making sudden turns.

Sparrowhawk: A small bird of prey with broad, rounded wings for quick, agile flight.

Kestrel: A small bird of prey with long, pointed wings for fast, agile flight while hunting.

Osprey: A medium-sized bird of prey with broad, powerful wings for hovering over water and diving to catch fish.

Barn Swallow: A small bird with long, pointed wings for fast flight and catching insects.

Red-tailed Hawk: A medium-sized bird of prey with broad, rounded wings for efficient soaring and gliding while hunting.

Peregrine Falcon: A medium-sized bird of prey with long, pointed wings for diving at high speeds to catch other birds.