by Akash

Top 8 Small Birds with Long Beak

Hummingbird - These tiny birds have long, thin, and curved beaks that they use to sip nectar from flowers.

Sanderling - These small, energetic birds have long, straight bills that they use to probe the sand for small crustaceans and insects.

Kingfisher - Kingfishers have a long, sharp beak that they use to dive into water and catch fish.

Toucan - These birds are known for their large, colorful bills that can be up to a third of their total body length. 

Puffin - These are small, colorful seabirds with a distinctive, triangular-shaped beak that they use to catch fish.

Sandpiper - Sandpipers have long, thin beaks that they use to probe for insects and small crustaceans in mud and sand.

Woodpecker - Woodpeckers have long, chisel-like beaks that they use to drill holes in tree trunks to find insects to eat.

Snipe - Snipes are small, elusive birds with long, straight bills that they use to probe muddy ground for insects and worms.

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