by Akash

The 7 Biggest Snakes in Alabama

Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake: small (up to 4 ft), venomous, light brown with dark brown blotches

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Timber Rattlesnake: large (up to 6 ft), venomous, light brown with dark brown blotches

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake: largest venomous snake in US (up to 8 ft), light brown with dark brown blotches

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Pygmy Rattlesnake: smallest venomous snake in Alabama (up to 2 ft), light brown with dark brown blotches

Scarlet Kingsnake: non-venomous, slender, bright red or orange with black rings

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Black Kingsnake: non-venomous, heavy-bodied, black with white or yellow rings

Milksnake: non-venomous, slender, light brown with dark brown blotches

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