by Akash

Top 8 Largest Birds in the World

Date: 3 January 2024

Common Ostrich: Common Ostirch can reach up to 9 feet tall and weigh up to 350 pounds. These flightless birds are native to Africa.

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Somali Ostrich: The Somali Ostrich can reach up to 8 feet tall and wighing up to 345 pounds. They are found in Africa. 

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Southern Cassowary: The southern Cassowary is the largest bird native to Australia. These flightless birds can reach up to 6.5 feet. 

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Emu: Emu is another flightless birds can reach up to 6 feet tall and weight up to 154 pounds. 

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Emperor Penguin: It is the largest penguin species in the world. They can reach up to 4 feet tall.

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Greater Rhea: The greater rhea is the largest flightless birds in South America. They can stand up to 5 feet tall. 

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Common Crane: The largest crane species can reach up to 5  feet tall. 

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Trumpeter Swan: The largest waterfowl species in North America has 3.1 meteres of wingspan. 

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