Sea Turtles Facts for Kids

Top 9 Sea Turtles Facts for Kids

Sea turtles are an amazing ocean species. In this article, we will discuss the top 9 Sea Turtles Facts for Kids. Here are the details about facts.

9 Amazing Sea Turtles Facts For Kids:

Sea Turtles have so many facts. But we chose only the top 9 sea turtles facts for kids. Out of 9 facts, 3 main facts are – they have no teeth, their weight upto 500kg, and third Sea turtles can migrate very long distances.

Sea Turtles Facts for Kids
Image: Sea Turtles Facts for Kids

1- Sea turtles Species:

Types of Sea Turtles
Image: Types of Sea Turtles

Sea turtles were around 100 million years ago – and lived alongside the dinosaurs. Today, scientists recognize seven species of sea turtles:

  • Hawksbill
  • Loggerhead
  • Leatherback
  • Olive Ridley
  • the green
  • Back to the flat
  • Kemper Ridley

Six of these are threatened with extinction, and there is not enough information about flatbacks to know how at risk they are.

2. Turtles don’t have teeth

This is the second Sea Turtle Facts for Kids. Sea Turtles use their beak-like mouths to grasp their food. These lips are made of keratin (the same stuff your fingernails are made of).

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3. They are well ‘RD’.

This is the third Sea Turtles Facts for Kids. A turtle’s shell is made up of over 50 bones – so they literally wear their bones on the outside.

4. Their young lives are a mystery

Fourth Sea Turtles Facts for Kids is the first few years of a sea turtle’s life are known as the ‘lost years’. This is because the period between when hatchlings return to forage in coastal shallows is incredibly difficult to study. The lost years they spend at sea – which can be up to 20 years – remain largely a mystery to us.

5. They can be small

Sea turtle species vary greatly in size. The smallest, the Kemp’s Ridley, is about 70 cm long and weighs up to 40 kg, while the leatherback can grow up to 180 cm long and weigh up to 500 kg. It is 10 times heavier! Amazingly, Wales holds the world record for the largest sea turtle.

In 1988, a leatherback 2.5 meters long, 2.5 meters from flipper to flipper and weighing over 900kg (that’s over 140 stone) was found ashore!

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6. It is survival of the fittest

Six Sea Turtles Facts for Kids is, It is estimated that only 1 in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings make it to adulthood. It takes a long time for them to reach maturity, and hatchlings and juveniles face many dangers, from predators to marine plastics.

7. They make some interesting sounds

Seven Sea Turtles Facts for Kids is the female leatherbacks make strange noises while nesting – some of which sound like human belches.

8. They have color preferences

Eight Sea Turtles Facts for Kids is the Turtles seem to prefer red, orange and yellow food – they seem to investigate these colors more than others when looking for food.

9. Sea turtles can migrate incredibly long distances

This is the last Sea Turtles Facts for kids. The longest known record is for a female leatherback who swam nearly 13,000 miles in 647 days from Indonesia to the west coast of America. That’s over 20 miles a day.

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Turtles face many threats:

Sea turtles enemy

Accidental entanglement in fishing gear is perhaps the greatest threat to sea turtles. It is also estimated that over 50% of sea turtles have eaten plastic or other human waste – often mistaking it for food such as jellyfish. Plastic washed up on beaches can limit nesting sites and block the passage of young children to the ocean.

Tortoise habitat is threatened by destruction. For example, 50% of the world’s coral reefs have been lost and the rest could disappear completely by 2050 if climate change goes unchecked.

Sea turtles and enemy

Climate change can increase sand temperatures (higher temperatures produce more females than males, lowering the sex ratio), cause sea level rise (which can lead to nesting), and mean increased storm events, which will affect hatchling survival. .

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