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The Triumphant Return of the American Bison: A Conservation Success Story

Once a symbol of the vast plains and prairies of North America,

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Alaska Bear Grazer Wins Fat Bear Week 2023 in a Landslide Victory

Grazer, the undeniable champion of Fat Bear Week 2023, is joyfully celebrating

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15 Animals Died at Marineland in 4 Years, Animal Rights Groups Call for Closure

Startling revelations have come to light regarding the well-being of animals at

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Massive Fire Erupts at Ontario Farm, Animals Evacuated

A huge fire broke out on a farm in Ontario early on

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New Hampshire SPCA Rescues 36 Animals from Hoarding Situation

The New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NH

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More Bad People Hurting Dogs: RSPCA Says it’s Getting Worse in Cambridgeshire

People being mean to dogs went up by eight percent in Cambridgeshire,

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Shrinking Lake in Turkey Leaves Animals Thirsty and Dying

Ibrahim Koc, a shepherd, remembers his youth with a smile as he

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Stray Cattle Obstruction Incident Leads to FIR Against Farmers and Ministerial Actions

In a surprising incident, a group of people deliberately blocked a road

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U.P. Government Steps Up for Animal Welfare: Electric Crematoriums Planned for Stray Cattle

After taking care of around 1.2 million stray cattle in 6,889 safe

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Stray Dog Harmed: Mumbai Woman Faces Legal Action for Acid Attack

A woman, 35 years old, from Mumbai named Shabista Ansari, is in

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