Discover 20 Types of Frogs in Costa Rica

15 Min Read

Costa Rica is home to a diverse range of frog species, with over 200 different types found in the country.

From glass frogs to poison dart frogs, the amphibians of Costa Rica are both fascinating and important to the country’s ecosystem.

Learn why these fascinating creatures are important and why we need to protect their habitats.

Frogs in Costa Rica:

Frogs are important because they help control insects and are food for other animals.

Costa Rica’s warm and humid weather is perfect for frogs, and they can be found in rainforests, cloud forests, and other tropical places.

here is the 20 frog species list:

  1. Glass Frogs
  2. Poison Dart Frog
  3. Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
  4. Tree Frogs
  5. Red-eyed Tree Frog
  6. Golden Toad
  7. Granular Poison Frog
  8. Warszewitsch’s frog
  9. Craugastor Fitzingeri
  10. Rain Frogs
  11. Cochranella
  12. Craugastor ranoides
  13. Atelopus varius
  14. Oophaga
  15. Cochranella Granulosa
  16. Cochranella Euknemos
  17. Scinax Fuscovarius
  18. green and black poison dart frog
  19. Hourglass Tree Frogs
  20. Smoky Jungle Frogs

Let’s dive in

1. Glass Frogs

Glass Frogs
Image: Glass Frogs

These unique frogs have translucent skin, allowing you to see their internal organs. They are typically green in color and are known for their distinctive call, which sounds like the tinkling of a glass bell.

Glass frogs are special because you can see their insides through their skin! They are usually green and make a sound like a glass bell.

2. Poison Dart Frog

Poison Dart Frog
Image: Poison Dart Frog

The Poison Dart Frog in Costa Rica is a very colorful and poisonous frog that lives in the rainforest.

They have bright colors like red, yellow, and blue, which tell other animals that they are dangerous to eat.

They also help to control insects, which is important for the rainforest. Just remember to stay away from them if you ever visit Costa Rica!

3. Strawberry Poison Dart Frog

Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
Image: Strawberry Poison Dart Frog

The Strawberry Poison Dart Frog in Costa Rica is a tiny red frog that lives in the rainforest. They are called “poison dart” frogs because they are very poisonous.

Their bright color warns other animals to stay away. Even though they are small, they help keep insects under control in the rainforest.

Indigenous people used their poison to hunt with blowdarts. If you see one in the wild, don’t touch it, and enjoy watching it from a safe distance!

4. Tree Frogs

Tree Frogs
Image: Tree Frogs

In Costa Rica, there are small and colorful Tree Frogs that live in trees. They have sticky toes and long legs to help them climb and jump.

They eat bugs and are food for birds and snakes. These frogs are important for the rainforest. Keep an eye out for them when you visit Costa Rica!

5. Red-eyed Tree Frog

Red-eyed Tree Frog
Image: Red-eyed Tree Frog

The Red-eyed Tree Frog in Costa Rica is a famous frog that has bright colors and big red eyes.

They are green and blue with orange feet, and they use their colors to hide from predators in the leaves.

At night, their red eyes help them see. Red-eyed Tree Frogs eat bugs and are food for birds and snakes, so they are important for the rainforest.

If you ever go to Costa Rica, watch out for these cool frogs!

6. Golden Toad

Golden Toad
Image: Golden Toad

The Golden Toad in Costa Rica was a unique species that is now sadly extinct. They were small, bright yellow or orange toads that only lived in a small area of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.

Scientists believe that climate change, pollution, and disease all played a part in their disappearance.

The Golden Toad is an example of why it’s important to protect and conserve endangered species.

While we can no longer see them in the wild, we can remember and learn from their story to help other species in the future.

7. Granular Poison Frog

Granular Poison Frog
Image: Granular Poison Frog

The Granular Poison Frog in Costa Rica is a small and colorful frog that lives in the rainforest.

They are called “poison” frogs because they produce poison that can be dangerous for other animals.

Granular Poison Frogs are usually brown or black with bright yellow spots, which is a way to tell predators that they are poisonous.

They help to keep insects under control and are food for birds and snakes in the rainforest. If you ever visit Costa Rica, try to spot these interesting frogs!

8. Warszewitsch’s frog

Warszewitsch's frog
Image: Warszewitsch’s frog

Warszewitsch’s frog, also called the Red-webbed Treefrog, is a kind of frog found in Costa Rica.

They have green bodies with black patterns and bright red webbing on their feet. Warszewitsch’s frogs live in trees near water in the rainforest and come out at night.

They eat bugs and are also eaten by birds and snakes. If you go to Costa Rica, keep an eye out for these cool frogs!

9. Craugastor Fitzingeri

Craugastor Fitzingeri, also called the Mindo robber frog or variable robber frog, is a kind of frog that can be found in Costa Rica.

They are named “robber frogs” because they sometimes steal food from other frogs.

These frogs are usually brown or gray with dark spots or stripes on their backs.

They live on the ground in the rainforest and come out at night to eat insects.

Craugastor Fitzingeri is important because they help to keep the number of insects down.

If you ever visit Costa Rica, see if you can spot these cool frogs!

10. Rain Frogs

Rain frogs are small frogs that live in Costa Rica. They are called “rain frogs” because they like to sing during rainstorms.

Rain frogs can be different colors and patterns, but are usually brown or gray. They live on the ground in the rainforest and eat insects.

Even though they are small, they are important for the rainforest. If you go to Costa Rica, listen carefully during rainstorms and you might hear a rain frog!

11. Cochranella

Cochranella is a kind of frog that can be found in Costa Rica. They are small and brightly colored.

These frogs live in trees in the rainforest and are active at night. Cochranella frogs eat insects and are also eaten by birds and snakes.

They are important because they help to keep the number of insects down. If you ever visit Costa Rica, try to spot these cool and colorful frogs!

12. Craugastor ranoides

Craugastor paranoids are a kind of frog found in Costa Rica. They are brown or gray with dark spots on their backs and can grow up to 5 cm long.

These frogs live on the ground in the rainforest and eat insects. During the breeding season, males make a loud call to attract females.

Craugastor paranoids are important for the rainforest because they help control insect populations. If you visit Costa Rica, keep an eye out for these interesting frogs!

13. Atelopus varius

The harlequin toad, also known as Atelopus varius, is a colorful species of toad found in Costa Rica.

They live in streams, eat small insects and invertebrates, and need clean water to survive. Sadly, they are critically endangered due to habitat loss and deadly fungal diseases.

If you ever see one in the wild, it’s a rare and special sighting, and protecting them is important for the health of the rainforest.

14. Oophaga

Oophaga is a type of colorful poison dart frog found in Costa Rica’s rainforests. They are small, usually only a couple of inches long, and eat small insects.

Oophaga frogs are known for their vibrant colors, which tell predators that they are toxic.

They live near streams or waterfalls and are an important part of the ecosystem.

However, remember that these frogs are poisonous, so it’s best not to touch or handle them.

15. Cochranella Granulosa

Cochranella granulosa is a little frog that lives in the rainforests of Costa Rica.

They have smooth skin that is green or brown, and they make high-pitched chirping sounds.

These frogs live near streams and eat small insects. They aren’t poisonous, but they are still an important part of the rainforest.

16. Cochranella Euknemos

Cochranella euknemos is a tiny frog that lives in Costa Rica’s rainforests.

They have smooth skin that can be green or brown, and they make high-pitched calls.

These frogs usually live near water and eat insects. Although they are not poisonous, they are essential to the rainforest’s balance.

17. Scinax Fuscovarius

Scinax Fuscovarius is a small frog that lives in Costa Rica’s rainforests.

They have brown or gray skin with darker stripes and spots, and they make a high-pitched trill sound.

These frogs live near water and eat insects. They are an important part of the rainforest’s ecosystem.

18. green and black poison dart frog

The green and black poison dart frog lives in Costa Rica’s rainforests. They have bright green skin with black spots, and they are poisonous.

They are active during the day and eat small bugs like ants and termites.

People like to study and see them because of their colorful skin and poison.

19. Hourglass Tree Frogs

Hourglass tree frogs are small, greenish-yellow frogs that live in trees and near water in Costa Rica. They have a distinct hourglass shape on their back. They are common in Costa Rica and can be heard calling during the rainy season.

20. Smoky Jungle Frog

Smoky Jungle Frogs are large, brownish-grey frogs found in the lowland rainforests of Costa Rica.

They are known for their loud calls and can be found near water sources.

They can grow up to 20cm in length and play an important role in controlling insect populations in Costa Rica.


What is the small frog in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is home to many small frog species, so it’s hard to pinpoint one specific “small frog”. Some of the tiniest frog species in Costa Rica include the Strawberry Poison Dart Frog, the Granular Poison Frog, and the Rain Frogs. These frogs can be as small as less than 1 centimeter in size.

What is the small frog in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is home to many small frog species, so it’s hard to pinpoint one specific “small frog”. Some of the tiniest frog species in Costa Rica include the Strawberry Poison Dart Frog, the Granular Poison Frog, and the Rain Frogs. These frogs can be as small as less than 1 centimeter in size.

What are some facts about frogs in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is home to over 200 frog species, including colorful and unique-looking frogs.

Many are nocturnal and some are poisonous. The red-eyed tree frog and glass frog are well-known.

Frogs in Costa Rica help control insects and provide food for other animals.

However, habitat loss and climate change threaten many frog species. It is important to conserve their habitats to protect these important creatures.

What does the frog symbolize in Costa Rica?

In Costa Rican culture, frogs are seen as a symbol of good luck and fertility, especially the red-eyed tree frog. Frogs are also important indicators of the health of Costa Rica’s ecosystems and biodiversity.

What frog has red eyes in Costa Rica?

The red-eyed tree frog is a frog species that has red eyes and is found in Costa Rica.
This iconic frog species is known for its bright green coloration with blue and yellow stripes on its sides, and of course, its striking red eyes.

They are a nocturnal species and can be found in the rainforests and lowland areas of Central America, including Costa Rica.


Costa Rica’s frog species are crucial to the country’s biodiversity and ecosystem health. By protecting their habitats, we ensure their survival and contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.

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