Do Doves Attack Humans? Know the Real Truth

3 Min Read

Doves are often seen as gentle and peaceful creatures, but there are some situations in which they may attack humans.

While it is not common for doves to attack, it is important to be aware of the reasons why they might do so and how to avoid being attacked.

Why Do Doves Attack Humans?

Doves are usually gentle, but there are a few reasons they might attack humans:

1. Feeling Threatened: Doves see humans as potential predators. So, if a human gets too close to their nest or babies, or if they make sudden moves or loud noises, doves might attack to protect themselves.

Related: Meet 2 Doves That Sound Like Owls

2. Protecting Their Babies: Doves are super protective parents. If they think their babies are in danger because of a human getting too close to the nest or trying to handle the babies, they might attack to keep them safe.

3. Being Sick or Injured: Sometimes, sick or injured doves might act defensively. They’re feeling vulnerable and could attack as a way to defend themselves.

So, while doves are typically peaceful, these situations can make them act differently. It’s essential to respect their space and avoid causing any stress or harm.

How to Avoid Being Attacked by a Dove

If you are approached by a dove that seems aggressive, it is best to back away slowly and avoid making any sudden movements.

If the dove continues to attack, you may need to wave your arms or make loud noises to scare it away. Here are some other tips to avoid being attacked by a dove:

  • Do not approach a dove’s nest or babies.
  • Be careful not to make any sudden movements or loud noises around doves.
  • Do not try to pick up or handle a dove.


While it is not common for doves to attack humans, it is important to be aware of the reasons why they might do so and how to avoid being attacked. By following these tips, you can help to ensure that you have a safe and positive experience with these gentle creatures.

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