How many jackals are left in India?

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The Jackal is a medium-sized mammal. Jackal species include other species of wolves and dogs. The fox weight is 6 to 11 kg and lifespan minimum 8 to maximum 15 years. The fox’s colors are brown, Gray, White and Tan.

how many jackal are left in india

How many jackals are left in India?

Scientists have not been able to say exactly how many jackal are there in the African continent, but it is known that the number of jackal in India is more than 70-80 thousand. We hope that the fox population continues to grow and the ecosystem is maintained.

Where are jackals mostly found?

Foxes are mainly found in Africa and Europe. Also Found in western and central Africa. For example – Senegal, Nigeria and Sudan etc. The golden jackal is usually found in deserts and the side – striped fox is found in scrub and hilly, mountain areas. Know more about lion fun facts.

How many golden jackals are left in the world?

About 80,000 golden jackals are left in the world.

Jackal Facts:

A fox can choose a maximum of 15 to 16 years.

The body of the fox is covered with black fur in golden, rust and silver color. They have a short bushy tail.

Foxes are omnivores like humans. That is, they eat what they get. Although they are carnivores, they sometimes eat grass.

They eat the meat of a large animal.

They have a group called Pack.

Foxes only respond to the sound of a member of their family. They avoid other sounds.

They can live from 8 to 15 years in the wild.

Related species to this species are coyotes, foxes and wolves. Know about cheetah facts.


Their characteristics are discussed below-

A fox immediately flees when it sees an enemy alone. If they have a large group they deal there. Their group fights against cheetahs and hyenas.

This species defends itself with its long teeth and claws.

They hide behind long grass, rocks and trees waiting for food.

Each species has a different sound. They invite everyone to eat after catching the prey.

Jackal Food Name:

These species i.e. foxes are omnivores. They eat birds, rabbits, frogs, plants, fruits, snakes and small deer. They hunt in groups. Because of their sharp teeth and paws, they attack large animals together. Know about bear interesting facts.

Jackal Mating:

Foxes of this species mate only once in a lifetime. Their mating lasts for 50 to 60 days. Common fox mating is from October to March.

Jackal Baby:

Male and female foxes do not shelter together in a deep den to give birth. A mother fox gives birth to 2 to 4 cubs, called pups. Babies are blind at birth, and their eyes open by 10 days.

Their attacks on humans:

In India, 1.7% of people are infected by foxes. They attacked humans in 220 cases between 1998-2005. Most of the attacks take place in rural areas, such as Basia, Bhupal district. In 2012, 11 people were injured in their attacks.

Ways to protect them: Firstly, appropriate preventive measures should be taken to prevent damage to animals. As did the African wildlife foundation, Tanzania, AWF.

Second, AWF has reserved some land for foxes so that wild animals can live on their own.

Some areas have been purchased in Kenya, Africa for them to live in and government jobs have been arranged to look after the members there. The main reason for this is to protect the wildlife. Know about monkey facts and advantages or disadvantages.


How many jackals are left in India?

The number of Jackal in India is more than 70-80 thousand. We hope that the jackal population continues to grow and the ecosystem is maintained.

Where are jackals mostly found?

Foxes are mainly found in Africa and Europe. Also Found in western and central Africa.

How many golden jackals are left in the world?

About 80,000 golden jackals are left in the world.

What is the Egyptian Jackal? 

Ans. Egyptian Jackal is a god of Egypt, whose head was that of a jackal and his whole body was that of a man. The people there believe that Adi is the fox they believe to be the god of the dead.

Are Foxes Carnivores, Herbivores or Omnivores?

Ans. Foxes are usually omnivores, so they eat both plants and meat. Most of their foods include birds, leaves, rabbits and snakes.

Where is golden jackal found in India?

The golden jackal is usually found in deserts and the side – striped fox is found in scrub and hilly, mountain areas.

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