Meet 4 Bright Blue Birds in Florida (With Pictures)

2 Min Read

Get ready to be amazed by the stunning bright blue birds in Florida! Their brilliant blue feathers and delightful songs are sure to brighten your day. Whether you’re a bird lover or just enjoy nature, look out for these remarkable creatures on your next visit to Florida.

Bright Blue Birds in Florida

Florida is home to many beautiful birds, but none are as eye-catching as the bright blue birds. Here are a few of the most popular:

  1. Western Bluebird
    • Appearance: Bright blue feathers on the back and reddish-orange chest (males). Females and young birds have lighter colors.
    • Habitat: Open woodlands, meadows, and areas with scattered trees.
    • Diet: Insects, berries, and fruits.
    • Behavior: Stay in their habitat all year, build nests in holes, and raise chicks together.
  2. Eastern Bluebird
    • Appearance: Males have vibrant blue feathers and rusty-red or orange breasts. Females have more subdued colors.
    • Habitat: Open woodlands, meadows, and gardens with trees nearby.
    • Diet: Insects, berries, and fruits.
    • Behavior: Build nests in cavities like old woodpecker holes, both parents care for chicks.
  3. Blue Jay
    • Appearance: Blue-grey feathers and bold personalities.
    • Habitat: Sandy scrubland throughout Florida.
    • Diet: Insects, fruits, seeds, small lizards, and snakes.
    • Behavior: Intelligent and larger than Eastern Bluebirds, up to 12 inches in length with a wingspan of 15 inches.
  4. Indigo Bunting
    • Appearance: Males have purple-blue feathers, while females are bluish-green.
    • Habitat: Open woodlands, brushy fields, and meadows.
    • Diet: Seeds, insects, and berries.
    • Behavior: Small, bright blue, and can grow up to 4-5 inches in length with a wingspan of 6-9 inches. Migrate thousands of miles during breeding.


The bright blue birds of Florida are a joy to see. They add beauty and wonder to any backyard or park. If you want to brighten your day, keep an eye out for these amazing birds the next time you’re in Florida.

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