The Red Panda Facts | What are 12 Amazing Red Panda Facts?

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The Red Panda Facts

The red panda is slightly larger than a cat and more like a bear. They have a black underbelly, a white patch on the side of their head, and two small eyes.

They are very agile and acrobatic animals, which usually prefer to live in trees. 50% of the red panda family is found on the western side of the Himalayas.

The Red Panda Facts: Pandas of this species can live up to 23 years. They become fertile at 12 to 14 years of age. Mother pandas no longer breed after age 12, but males are constantly available for breeding.

Where can red pandas be seen?

Red pandas are found throughout the eastern Himalayas, including the highlands of Nepal, northern Myanmar, and even central China and Bhutan. Their clawed paws like to hang onto tree branches.

They live in high altitude Himalayan forests and other high mountains surrounded by shrubs. Ailurus fulgens is mostly found in Nepal and Ailurus fulgens styani is found in China and Myanmar. Read where does komodo dragon live.

The Red Panda Facts:

The Red Panda Facts
The Red Panda Facts

12 Amazing The Red Panda Facts is given below..

1. Carnivorous:

Carnivorous does not mean only meat-eating animals. According to the biological order bear, dog and cat these animals are generally carnivorous but some of them are omnivores and some are vegetarians.

This species of pandas is classified as carnivores. But they are rarely seen eating anything other than bamboo leaves and some insects.

2. Bigger than house pet cat:

The red panda facts: All these animals have a tail length of 18 inches. They like to live in different trees, in the high areas of the mountains. They wrap themselves with bushy tails to keep warm.

3. Relatives:

No 3 the red panda facts: The red bear is currently found in the eastern and western Himalayas. Their first skeletons were found in 1888 in the United Kingdom.

This skeleton was quite large in size, so they were called THE GIANT PANDA. Skeletons of this species have also been found in Spain, Europe and the United States, dating back to about 5 million years ago.

4. A browser called Red Panda:

No 4 the red panda facts: Mozilla Firefox Browser, Firefox stands for Red Panda. Mozilla originally thought of naming them FIREBIRD, but later realized that someone else was using the name so they were forced to name Firefox with Red Panda in mind. Read morea about king cobra fun facts.

5. Relationships between red pandas and other pandas:

No 5 the red panda facts: In the 19th century scientists noticed that party color bears are almost one.

The paws of the two species are almost identical, they each have a FALSE THUMB, they are very close to each other and their food is almost the same.

So the red panda is counted among the bear species.

6. Red pandas are usually red pandas:

No 6 the red panda facts: Scientists discovered their genetic differences in the 1980s. It turns out that the GIANT panda is a member of the bear family and the red panda is a completely different species. Although they look almost the same.


No 7 the red panda facts: The number of this species has decreased worldwide in the last few decades. According to the WORLD WILDLIFE FUND, there are about 10,000 red pandas living worldwide, making them an ENDANGERED animal. 

8. Home Red Pandas:

No 8 the red panda facts: Found across the eastern Himalayas in the highlands of Nepal, the northern regions of Myanmar, China and Bhutan. Their clawed paws help them grasp tree branches. Read 8 mammals that can fly.

9. Communication system:

No 9 the red panda facts: Red pandas are generally quiet, but they communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations, whistles, and high-pitched calls. They even hiss like snakes and baby pandas make whistles. They climb trees and mountains to escape from enemies like cheetahs and jackals.

10. Nature:

No 10 the red panda facts: These animals spend most of their time in trees and sleep on them. They like to eat bamboo and bamboo leaves. Like their older brothers, they eat a variety of foods.

Such as various fruits, plant leaves, plant roots and eggs. Like giant pandas, they have large wrists that look like paws, with which they hang from tree branches.

11. Sleeping Habits:

red panda sleeping habbits

No 11 the red panda facts: Like humans, they are awake at all times of the day, especially at dawn and dusk. On average 45% of them are active during the day and are more active and awake during cold weather and winter season.

They usually hibernate in cold weather, reducing their metabolic rate every hour just before looking for food. This approach helps them waste less energy than sloths, which increases the nutritional value of their food.

When the weather is hot, they stretch their whole body on tree branches to maintain body temperature. Read “Are animals affected by their own poison?“.

12. Nature of food:

No 12 the Red Panda Facts: Bamboo is 95% of pandas’ diet. Unlike giant pandas, they do not eat young bamboo leaves or bamboo trunks, they eat whole leaves while they are still alive. and eats the soft buds of the tree when available.

Like giant pandas, they eat twigs with their paws and leaves with their mouths. They even eat stems, young leaves, grass, various fruits, insects, they even kill and eat birds and small animals.

How many red pandas are left in the world?

Currently, the number of red pandas has reached 10000. Scientists have called them relatives of giant pandas and raccoons.

Now they are placed in a separate family. Due to the destruction of red panda habitat for agriculture and other activities, their numbers are declining at a very fast pace. Currently this species is very endangered.


Red pandas have declined by 40% in the past 50 years. Currently their number has reached 10000. People have cut down forest trees for fuel and agriculture, even as their numbers have dwindled to 2,500 as a result of hunting.

Many times they die from the attacks of monkeys, pigs, deer and even other animals. At present, urgent steps have been taken to protect them. Some places are reserved for them.

The San Diego Zoo has foresters in protected areas for red pandas to look after them properly or working together with villagers to create a sanctuary for them.

Family Life:

red panda family life

Red pandas are territorial and prefer to live simple lives. They communicate with each other by nodding and calling.

Newborn pandas make a kind of flute-like sound. An adult panda makes a high-pitched vocalization during the breeding season.

Like giant pandas, red pandas fertilize eggs in one to two days. They only fertilize eggs during summer when their young are most likely to survive.

A few days before giving birth, the mother makes a small nest for them in a tree branch or stone with leaves, moss and small twigs.

Meeting Time:

Their mating season lasts from January to April. During this time they roam in small groups and children and adult males play various games among themselves.

Like whistling, sometimes biting and laughing among themselves etc. During this time they give birth to 1 to 5 young.

The mother does not care inside the cave for the first 7 to 10 days to save them.

When they are hungry, they cry like a whistle so that their mother can understand. Their throats open at 2 to 3 weeks and the mother takes care of them until they are 15 to 22 weeks.

Enemies of red pandas:

Their main enemies are snow leopard, fox and marten. The main enemies of baby pandas are birds of prey and other omnivores.

The biggest enemy is people, who are putting their main habitat in danger by destroying it for various reasons.


How many red panda are left?

Almost 10,000 red pandas are left in the world.

How rare is a red panda?

Red panda is an Endangered category animals.

Is a red panda a good pet?

No, because Red panda is an Endangered Animals.

What eats red pandas?

Their main enemies are snow leopard, fox and marten. The main enemies of baby pandas are birds of prey and other omnivores.

Can red pandas swim?

Yes, they are very good swimmers.

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