Flying fish have a remarkable ability that sets it apart from any other fish in the world. Their highly modified “wings” enable them to leap out of the water and glide up to 600 to 650 feet above the water surface.
They travel together through the ocean in large schools. When they encounter predators, the wings help them escape quickly. This family of fish is abundant around the world; Very few species are endangered.
Today we will discuss the most common and some unknown flying fish facts.
Flying Fish Facts:
In the article below, we discuss more than 15 flying fish facts very shortly.
Prey: Plankton, crustaceans and fish
Group Behavior: School
Fun flying fish facts: Can glide hundreds of feet in the air.
Estimated population size: Unknown
The biggest threat: overfishing
Most distinctive feature: wing-like fins
Other names: Flying cod
Gestation: Varies
Water Type: Salt
Habitat: Ocean
Predators: Marlins, tuna, squid, porpoises, birds, and humans
Diet: Omnivorous
Type: Ray fin fish
Common name: Flying fish
Number of species: 40
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Physical characteristics of flying fish
Color: Blue, Black, White, Silver
Skin Type: Scaly
Top speed: 35 mph
Lifespan: Average 5 years
Weight: Up to 2 lbs
Length: 15 cm – 51 cm (6 inches – 20 inches)
Incredible flying fish incidents!
Most of these fish have two “wings,” although some species have up to four. Both their pelvic and pectoral fins are wing-shaped.
For some unknown reason, these fish appear to be attracted to light sources. Fishermen will use this knowledge to catch large numbers of flying fish at once. The fish swim towards the surface of the water at a speed of 3 feet per second.
Breaking the surface of the water, they spread their wings and begin to glide. Some of these fish travel hundreds of miles throughout the year depending on the availability of food. However, climate change may alter their natural migration routes.
According to the fossil record, modern flying fish evolved about 66 million years ago.
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Incredible flying fish phenomenon!
Most of these fish have two “wings,” although some species have up to four. Both their pelvic and pectoral fins are wing-shaped. For some unknown reason, these fish appear to be attracted to light sources.
Fishermen will use this knowledge to catch large numbers of flying fish at once. The fish swims towards the surface of the water at a speed of 3 feet per second.
They beat their tails continuously 70 times a second when they are flying. Breaking the surface of the water, they spread their wings and begin to glide.
Some of these fish travel hundreds of miles throughout the year depending on the availability of food. However, climate change may alter their natural migration routes.
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Classification and Scientific Name:
Names of Flying Fish: The scientific name of the ray fin flying fish family is Exocoetidae. It is a combination of two Latin words that roughly translates to “sleeping outside”. The name is based on a misconception by early sailors that these fish return to shore to sleep at night. These fish are in the order Beloniformes, along with needlefish and ricefish.
Flying fish species:
The flying fish family consists of about 40 species spread across seven or more genera. Here is the list below:
Blue Flying Fish:
Also known as the tropical two-winged flying fish, this species is found throughout most of the tropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The upper half of the body is a bright blue and the belly is a silvery-white color.
Black Wing Flying Fish:
This species is found mostly in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is distinguished by a dark blue, almost purple upper half, which complements the white lower half.
Four winged flying fish:
This is the most interesting species of flying fish. Commercial rights to the four-finned flying fish were a source of conflict between the nearby Caribbean nations of Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.
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Appearance of flying fish:
Flying fish look a lot like sardines (though not actually cod). It has a long, torpedo-shaped body, blue or silver scales, and a vertically barbed tail.
The most important features are the wing-shaped pectoral fins located near the head and that help them to glide in the air. Some flying fish species have a second set of “wings”.
Medium-sized fish can measure anywhere from 6 to 20 inches in length but do not exceed 2 pounds in size.
Flying fish distribution, population, and habitat:
These fish are found throughout the world’s three major oceans (Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian) down to a depth of about 650 feet. Most species are concentrated in tropical and subtropical waters.
They are very rare in the north because the cold temperatures seem to inhibit the function of the muscles needed to move air through.
The national symbol of Barbados is flying fish and they are most commonly found in the Caribbean Sea.
Although they are sometimes popular in the commercial fishing industry, population numbers appear to be quite high and stable.
Almost all species are classified as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. Rarely endangered.
Flying fish hunters and prey:
These fishes are an integral part of the food chain in many tropical marine environments of the world. They take nutrients from small prey and provide nutrients to larger predators far down the food chain.
The National Wildlife Federation
Is it rare to see a flying fish?
Flying is very rare to see.
How long a flying fish can fly?
They can fly upto 40 to 45 seconds.
What is the unique ability of flying fish?
The Unique ability of flying fish is gliding in the air.
How old are flying fish?
According to the fossil record, modern flying fish evolved about 66 million years ago.
How far can flying fish jump?
They can glide up to 600 to 650 feet above the water surface
Where does a flying fish live?
Flying fish live in all the oceans of the world. They prefer to live in the Atlantic ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.