by Akash

8 Types of Birds with Red Head

1. Northern Cardinal: Found in North America, the male is bright red while the female is more subdued, known for their beautiful song.

Red-headed Woodpecker: A North American woodpecker, both male and female have a solid red head and neck, known for their striking appearance.

Red-bellied Woodpecker: A North American woodpecker with a red cap and nape, known for their drumming and foraging behavior.

Red-breasted Merganser: A sea duck found in the northern hemisphere, the male has a bright red head, known for their fishing and diving behavior.

House Finch: A small songbird found in North America, the male has a reddish head and breast, known for their melodic song.

American Goldfinch: A small finch found in North America, the male has a bright yellow body and reddish head, known for their vibrant colors.

Vermilion Flycatcher: A small bird found in North and Central America, the male has a bright red head and body, known for their fly-catching behavior.

Rufous Hummingbird: A small hummingbird found in western North America, the male has a bright reddish-orange head and body, known for their acrobatic flight and feeding behavior.

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