by Akash

Top 8 Animals with BIG Foreheads

Baboon - Baboons are big monkeys with a large forehead. They live in groups in Africa and Arabia. They communicate with each other using sounds.

Gorilla - Gorillas are strong and smart apes with a big forehead. They live in African forests and are the largest primates. 

Orangutan - Orangutans are clever apes with a large forehead and red-brown hair. They live in rainforests of Southeast Asia and eat fruits. 

Gibbon - Gibbons are small apes with a large forehead. They are native to the forests of Southeast Asia and are known for their acrobatic abilities. 

Capuchin monkey - Capuchin monkeys are small primates with a large forehead. They live in South America and are known for their intelligence and dexterity.

Proboscis monkey - Proboscis monkeys are unique primates with a big, bulbous nose and a large forehead. They eat mostly leaves and fruits.

Sheep - Sheep are domesticated animals with a big forehead. They are used for their wool, meat, and milk. 

Dolphin - Dolphins are marine mammals with a big forehead, also known as a "melon". They are intelligent and social animals that communicate using clicks and whistles.

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