by Akash

9 Birds with Long Beaks in Florida

Roseate Spoonbill: Pink bird with spoon-shaped bill, found in wetlands.

White Ibis: Medium-sized bird with curved bill, found in wetlands and coastal areas.

Great Blue Heron: Gray-blue bird with dagger-like bill, found near water.

Snowy Egret: Small white bird with thin bill, found in wetlands and coastal areas.

American Oystercatcher: Black-and-white bird with orange bill, found on beaches and coastal areas.

Anhinga: Black bird with pointed bill, found near water.

Northern Shoveler: Medium-sized duck with wide bill, found in wetlands and shallow water.

Wood Stork: Large, white bird with thick bill, found in wetlands and coastal areas.

Reddish Egret: Medium-sized bird with shaggy appearance and thin bill, found in shallow water and coastal areas.

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