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Viral Video: Strong friendship between Arif and 6 Feet Stork

we can see the amazing friendship of a giant stork with a man in the video. 

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In the video, Arif said, "I met the bird about 1 year ago. When I went to cultivate the land, 

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I saw the stork lying on the ground in a critical condition. Probably its right leg was broken. But I went near it and brought it home."

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He also said that after bringing him home and watching various videos, he tried to help his broken leg as much as possible. 

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And in that effort, Saras recovered. But the 6-foot-tall bird never returned to the forest after this incident. 

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The stork returns to him again and again after leaving it in the forest after many attempts.

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Arif added about his food, "I don't know what he eats when he's out and about, but when he's at home he eats exactly what I eat on the same plate with me."

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