Top 14 Beautiful Black Bird Species in The World

8 Min Read

There are so many different species of black birds that exist in the world.

But today we are discussing about 14 black species birds. 

In this article you find so many different species of black birds and their scientific classification, color, size, food, habit, how to identify etc.

Top 14 Types of Black Bird Species:

No 14: The boat-tailed grackle:

The boat-tailed grackle bird
credit: google image

These species of bird live in the eastern part of America, Mexico and throughout Florida.

Scientific NameQuiscalus Major
Species:Q. Major
table: boat-tailed grackle scientific classification

Birds of this species length from 15 to 18 inches and weigh between 150 grams.

Their diet consists mainly of various seeds, grains and nuts.

Males of this species have black and blue color features and females have black wings and a light brown color on the chest.

Their eye color is sometimes brown or yellow.

Each of these birds has a long tail that looks like the English letter V.

Read More: Top 20 best and unique Male bird names for your birds

No 13: Red-Winged Blackbird:

Red Winged Blackbird
Credit: Google Images

Red-Winged Blackbird looks beautiful.

Scientific Name:Agelaius Phoeniceus
table: Red-Winged Blackbird scientific classification

These black bird species are found in North and Central America.

These black bird species are around 9 inches and weigh up to 80 to 90 grams.

Red-Winged Blackbird main food during breeding time is small insects and spiders.

Other times they mostly eat grains, small insects and seeds.

Male Red-Winged Blackbirds are black in color and have beautiful red patches on their shoulders feathers.

The females have brown, black and white feathers.

Around their beaks they have yellow color.

No 12: Brewer’s Blackbird:

Brewer’s Blackbird
Image credit: google image

These Black Bird species live in North America, also live in the west side of the United States.

Scientific Name:Euphagus Cyanocephalus

Brewer’s Blackbird length is 9 inches and weighs up to 50 grams.

These species of birds main food is seed, insects and berries.

Males body and head are round, eyes are yellow and beaks are wide.

Females have brown color, dark eyes and wide beaks. 

Read More: Top 10 Interesting facts about Parrot birds

No 11: Black-Billed Magpie:

Black-Billed Magpie
image: google image

The Black-Billed Magpie lives in west North America.

Scientific Name:Pica Hudsonia

These species of black bird grow 24 inches and weigh around 170 grams.

The Black-billed Magpie main food includes berries, many fruits, small insects, nuts, seeds and also garbage waste food.

These black magpies look beautiful with white and black color combinations in their body.

These species of bird have dark black beak, black head and legs.

They look very beautiful when they spread their wings because of the light blue and white color combinations.

No 10: American Crow:

American Crow
image: google image

The American Crow lives across the United States of America.

Scientific Name:Corvus Brachyrhynchos

This large black bird species length is around 21 inches and weighs up to 1 pounds.

The American Crow eats other small bir, insects, frogs, rodents and also seeds.

These birds’ feathers are extremely black.

These black bird beaks are so strong, large and black in color. 

No 9: Black Swift:

Black Swift
image: google image

The Black Swift found in North America, across the United States, Mexico to Brazil.

These species of black bird length is 7 inches and weigh up to 50 grams.

These black birds look like fighter jets when flying.

Their wings are curved and their tails are similar to the English letter ‘W’.

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No 8: American Coot:

American Coot
image: google images
Scientific Name:Fulica Americana

No 7- Black Phoebe:

Black Phoebe
image: google images
Scientific Name:Sayornis Nigricans

No 6- Bronze Cowbird:

Bronze Cowbird
image: google images
Scientific Name:Molothrus Aeneus

No 5: Swallow-Tailed Kite:

Swallow-Tailed Kite
image: google images

The Swallow-Tailed Kite lives in Central America, South and South-east America.

Scientific Name:Elanoides Forficatus

These species of birds grow 27 inches and weigh 1 pound.

They mostly eat insects, small amphibians, snakes and birds.

These black birds have long wings, forked feathers. Their head, underbodies and chests are white in color.

Tops of the wings are pure black color. 

Read More: Why Do Crows Attack Other Crows?
image: google images
Scientific Name:Dolichonyx Oryzivorus

No 3: Common Raven:

Common Raven
image: google image

The Common Raven lives all across the North Hemisphere.

Scientific Name:Corvus Corax

These species of big birds are 26 inches and weigh around 4 pounds.

Common Raven mostly eat small birds, bird eggs, rodents, grain and also seeds.

The Common Raven looks like the American Crow.

The only way you can identify that is shaggy feathers around the raven’s neck.

No 2: Yellow-Headed Blackbird:

Yellow-Headed Blackbird
image: google

The Yellow-Headed Blackbird lives in the central and western United States.

Scientific Name:Xanthocephalus Xanthocephalus

Also live in California near the Mississippi River.

These species of blackbird grow 4 inches and weigh almost 50 grams.

The males have black body, yellow head and chest, and their wings are black and white.

Female have brown head and body and chest are yellow.

No 1: European Starling:

European Starling
image: google images

European starlings are a type of songbirds.

Scientific Name:Sturnus Vulgaris

These birds were first brought to North America by Shakespeare in the 19th century.

These birds have white spots during the winter and turn bright colored again in summer.

Birds of these species are 8 to 9 inches in length and 56 to 100 grams in weight.

The food of these species of birds includes all kinds of seeds, different kinds of fruit nurses and small insects.

The beak of this species of bird turns yellow in summer and gray in winter. 

One of the other characteristics of European starlings is that they can make other 20+ sounds. 

How to Identify:

  • The birds of this species are small in size and their feathers are deep black in color.
  • These birds always move together in groups.
  • Birds of this species have some whitish spots on the black feathers and yellow spots around the beak.
  • The European’s Darling lives in low marshes and nests in tree trunks.

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